We believe in the power of together, especially when it comes to making the changes needed to reduce human climate impact and the transition to a fossil-free society. We have decided and will do what we can to reduce greenhouse gases as a result of our products being consumed. We believe that it is actually possible to bring about change and that what contributes to one of the biggest emissions, food transport, today can be done in a fossil-free way. It requires courage, joint effort, perseverance and will not always be easy. But fully feasible, we are convinced about!
From Jämtland there is a railway that transports fossil-free to almost the whole country and also outside the country's borders. Together with, among others, GREEN CARGO , a logistics chain is created where our products travel by train as far as possible, are unloaded and for the country's larger cities there are buffer stocks from which we pick up products when we then send them on with transport of fossil-free fuels to points of sale and or directly to someone's door.
Do you, like us, believe that joint efforts are the way to a sustainable future! Fine, let's help. We are looking for the person / persons who want to be a reseller for our climate-neutral functional drinks or you who have a company where you work from a sustainable perspective with the aim of reducing your climate impact and at the same time want to offer employees and customers good and climate-smart drinks. Maybe you have a shop or a company that works with arranging fun things, where good drinks, for both body and our common environment are desired? Feel free to contact us!
Do you want to sell, offer your employees and customers or distribute our climate-neutral functional drinks fossil-free,
you are welcome to contact us at together@arfunctional.com.